Third round winners


Best video



 Best Music



Best SFX



 Best editing



 Best Conventional Shipper



Best Unconventional Shipper



Best action



Best comedy

Best angst



Best AU



Best Originality



Best POV



Best Crossover



Best Character video



Judge Choice

The judge is Anna, the why is: They say that when someone dies life flashes through our eyes and you see everything. Seeing Disarm, by Corn_Child I can't help feeling an intruder inside Spike's last moments before burning, in Chosen...and boy! That was a hell of a ride!:) The haunting song by Smashing Pumpking, and especially the lyrics fit perfectly with the theme of the video, and the clips, all wonderfully edited, giving the sense of being into Spike's mind: from the fateful night Cecily stomped on William's heart (I used to be a little old in my shoes) to his death (send this smile over to you...) Corn_Child covers every keypoint, every mistake - I totally lost it and began crying during Becoming's "flashback" - every kiss, every tear, every was all there.
The use of transitions and special effects only added to the feeling of living Spike's last moments, recollections with him.
A great tribute to a compelling, multilayered character: bravo!
That's why mu judge choice goes to Disarm!


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