36th round winners

Best video : Let Go by Kitty

Best video Ru: Angels by Elion

Best music: Move On by Sophie

Best Music : Break Me Shake Me Hate Me by SimbiAni
Best SFX:In My Room by smokeyfizz
Best SFX Ru: Why Won't you die by smokeyfizz
Best Editing :Let Go by Kitty
Best Editing Ru: Did My Time by Victoria
Best Angst: Boulevard of broken dreams by Xcully
Best Angest Ru: Worn Me Down by Sophie
Best Au: Inconsolable by Sophie
Best Au Ru: Sisters by Lady Manson
Best Character : Animal I've Become by Mel
Best Character Ru: Selene by Cordy
Best Idea : Destino Fatale - Iris by Sunny88
Best Idea Ru : Prelude 12-21 by wolfpup
Best Romance :Like the Wind by Marie
Best Romance Ru : When You're With Me! by SimbiAni
Most Romantic:Angels by Elion
Most Romantic Ru : Close your eyes by Xcully
Best Horror :Scared by brighette
Best Horror Ru :Passenger by Lady Manson
Best Comedy : Nicest Kids in Town by Crystal Marshall
Best Comedy Ru : Alagaësia is Eragon's by Kelly
Best Crossover : More Than Anyone by Kristian
Best Crossover Ru : Did My Time by Victoria
Best Btvs : Shattered by We'reDoomed
Best Btvs: It's all coming back by Ana Camoes
Best Tv: Dark Place by Cordy
Best Tv Ru : Somewhere I Belong by Shady
Best Movie : The Legend by Elion
Best Movie Ru : Miami Vice - Numb/Encore by Sunny88
Honorable mention : Elion
Honorable mention : Kitty
Honorable mention : Smokeyfizz