Fiveth round winners


Best video



 Best Music



Best SFX



 Best editing



 Best Conventional Shipper



Best Unconventional Shipper



Best action



Best angst



Best Comedy

Best AU



Best Originality



Best POV



Best Episodic



Best Character video



Judge Choice

The judge is Maria, the why is:

I didn't like Lindsey at the beginning. He just looked like the usual, typical baddie in a suit, without anything which made him different from the others, or  made him stand out from big bads like Angelus or Darla. Then, Lindsey started evolving...and I began appreciating him.
As a baddie first, then as a human being who evolves, grows up and changes. One of the things I loved more in Angel's second second season is the way they have made Lindsey's redemption believable. One of the things I hated most, in Angel's fifth season, has been the way they have taken his redemption, his changes for the better ...and they've thrown it all away!
What Sensue gives us with this video is an alternative.
We see what we'd have liked to see if the writers had taken another road.
A  complex, believable, romantic story, made very realistic by the choice of the images and the editing.
What I love about this video, what has made it my judge's choice, is the way it can convince me there's an alternate universe where things have unfolded they way Sensue has imagined.
The way it evokes feelings thanks to the passion in it.
The way it entertains me and makes me dream.
And there aren't lots of videos which give me that.

We hope you like  awards, and, please, remember to link these at