Sixth round winners
Best video
Best Music
Best SFX
Best editing
Best Conventional Shipper
Best Unconventional Shipper
Best action
Best angst
Best Comedy
Best AU
Best Originality
Best POV
Best Episodic
Best Character video
Judge Choice
Why :
Yes, there is love between the two sisters, but there is jealousy...and anger as well. The video makes clear how much Dawn struggles to come out from Buffy's shadow, from her attempts to guide her and being a mother figure which are not appreciated, it makes clear, how in Dawn's mind, heart, Buffy just gets in her way and at the same time how difficult it is for her to be the kid sister of the Slayer.
But, again, Marrlina does more than that. She builds a story...and although I'm not a Spike/Dawn shipper Marrlina's video made me believe for a second that it had been indeed Dawn closing the door of her house thus breaking Spike's heart, I loved the way she used clips from other stuff (Chance) to create an AU story which I could believe
That's why the judge's choice for this round goes to "Just like you" by Marrlina.
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