Seventh round winners
Best video Best Music Best SFX Best editing Best Conventional Shipper Best Unconventional Shipper Best action Best angst Best Comedy Best AU Best Originality Best POV Best Episodic Best Crossover Best Character video
Judge Choice Why : Frail, passionate, sinous, wicked, that's Drusilla...and yes, she's crazy too, but her craziness is not the center of Marie's video. Like in a kaleidoscope we see more and more different colors and layers of Drusilla: we see the grace, the pain and the pleasure, her demon as much as the glimpses of the woman in her, not just stars and visions., Transylvanian Concubine, the song which we first heard on the series and Marie's evocative editing give this video a unique feel. That's why my judge choice for this round goes to Transylvanian Concubine by Marie.